You have seen them and maybe even taken them or wanted to. I am talking about what is commonly called street photography. Those great photos that capture people and the culture in an authentic setting. Not staged, not posing, just real people in real life. When done right, and you get lucky, street photography can capture all types of emotions and behavior. … [Read more...]
So, You Want To Be A Travel Blogger
So, you want to be a travel blogger huh? I can understand why. Traveling the world and sipping cocktails on the beach while posting your latest adventures to your massively popular website. … [Read more...]
How To Become a Freelance Writer
I recently had a reader email me asking for advice on how to break into freelance writing. I sent her some information and thought maybe others might be interested so I decided to expand the information and write a blog post. Freelancing is tough but the good thing about it is anyone can do it. You don't need a degree and you can work from anywhere. The best advice I can give … [Read more...]
Nobody Cares What You Did On Vacation
Nobody cares what you did on Vacation. Unless you are writing your blog for your friends and relatives no one cares what you did on vacation. Instead they care what you experienced and want to read about the interesting things you encountered. Sound confusing? It can be, it just depends on how you present the information. … [Read more...]
So You Want To Be A Freelance Writer
So you want to be a freelance writer. Well, what’s stopping you? … [Read more...]