Listen on Stitcher Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple Podcasts 18 Feb 2020: The Traveling Fool Episode 2 / Pilsen, Czech Republic The town of Pilsen in the Czech Republic is about 100 km from the tourist mecca of Prague. Only about one and a half hours by train from Prague, you can escape the crowds and explore a great town with quite a history. 00:05 Show Intro … [Read more...]
The 10 Best Beer Festivals When You Can’t Make Oktoberfest
While the mother of all beer festivals is Oktoberfest, held each September in Munich Germany, there are a lot more held around the world. … [Read more...]
My Quest for Enlightenment
The Greeks had the Oracle of Delphi, Dorothy had the Wizard of Oz, Ponce de Leon searched for the fountain of youth, Sir Henry Morton Stanley traveled 1100 kilometers over 8 months, through tropical forests in Africa, to find Dr. David Livingstone in the 1870’s. … [Read more...]
Yes, I Am An Addict
Yes, I am an addict. I have an addictive personality. … [Read more...]
Free Beer
I know this is a travel blog but in my defense I was traveling down the road when I spotted this and just couldn't resist. … [Read more...]